Wednesday, February 29, 2012

flip the page on the calendar ...tomorrow

Yesterday it snowed..and I tracked a raccoon on his/her trip around my property.
Today it is gloomy and there is supposed to be more winter storms this week. Looks like March will come in as a lion. I brought home some good paper for drawing my totem ideas and haven't touched it yet. It takes me so long to get moving these days.
I bought a juicer because I want to change up my diet and get back on track...I have downloaded some recipes but always open to more.
There is a talk tonight at the SLC Main Library with the son of Ghandi. That sounds interesting. Sunday though I will definitely go to the university to hear Ken Sanders (local rare book seller) talk about Edward Abbey. I also plan to see the faculty show too.
I read Abbey a lot when I came to Utah. I especially like Desert Solitaire. I usually read it every spring and it whets my appetite to get to the desert.
I also love Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Although I gave away the copy my brother Ed gave me when I turned 18 to a friend..I bought a new one later. The story of Ed is a whole blog or two..and not sure if I will ever write it.
But I am grateful he introduced me to writers like Abbey and Dillard.

1 comment:

  1. Great panting and lofty thoughts. I too enjoy such writers, such thoughts. At first I thought the cat here was a lion. A leaping lion.
