Thursday, October 27, 2022

 A Long Time Ago On A Blog Faraway

I am not sure if this will show up for any of my old followers but here goes. Back in 2013 I pretty much quit blogging and went to Facebook. A lot of the bloggers I followed had gone there. 

The last post I did was in 2015. 

In the years that have followed there was a lot that happened. 

My husband, Dave died in 2018. That would make a rather depressing blog itself, so I won't go into much detail. He had a heart condition and  so many other health issues due to Type 2 Diabetes. It was dicey for a while, not only for the grief but so many other things. My dear Mom had died in 2017. After Dave died I lost 2 cats, 3 dogs, a horse and a bunch of chickens. 

My oldest son who has taken his family all over just moved to Florida in September of this year. So my only Grand who is 9 is there. My youngest son is here with me.

I still have 2 very old crabby pug girls, one 5 yr old cat, one 20 yr old horse and one chicken who is too old to lay eggs. 

Thomas and I are dunging out the house where we have lived for 39 years. My plan is to sell and leave Utah for Ohio where I was born and raised. I still have two brothers and a sister there and a lot of cousins. My next to oldest brother, Ed, died of cov id in March of this year. He had been living for years in Bangkok, Thailand. 

There is a lot of work to do and I am finding some physical limits but still able to do most things. I will be 70 when I sell and that is very surprising to me! 

My art took a back seat during the pandemic shut down and I am hoping to revive it once I get the dunging, painting etc done. 

 I wonder how many of you that I followed and followed me are still on this platform or even still with us! I know one blogger who had moved to FB died of cancer back in I believe 2015. I never thought you could make dear friends with people you have never met face to face but there it many. 

Anyway, I am hoping I can keep up with this if there is any interest. I am currently on Instagram (@kayhalesart), FB , Twitter. 

I would love to hear back from anyone! 

Have a beautiful day